
 “So I tell you to ask for what you want in prayer. And if you believe that you have received those things, then they will be yours.”  Mark 11:24 (ERV)

I am a strong believer in the power of pray.  So I sincerely ask that if you don’t have money to donate or time to volunteer; that you at least consider praying for the wisdom to come together to find and implement long-term sustainable solutions to end food insecurity, hunger, food related diseases and the creation of healthy vibrant communities.  Then encourage others you know to pray as well.

For decades, the world has grown enough food to end hunger yet even in developed countries there are people who do not have enough to eat!  There are lots of reasons for the current situation however, if we come together we can find a solution for these problems.  If the solution was quick and/or easy, someone would have done it a long time ago.  However, if we make a commitment to change the current situation; I believe that God will honor and bless our efforts. We can create a world where future generations only know of hunger and its effects from a historical prospective but have no firsthand knowledge of it.


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